Know Before You Go
What's At Festival?
Activities for everyone!

Aunty Aloha's Ukulele Corner:
Unfortunately, Aunty's is on hiatus for 2025.

will be held from 4 to 6pm at the Hale Mana'o tent in the Ohana Area...right next door. Bring your Uke and join in!

A busy Ukulele group

Hale Mana'o:
The 'House of Knowledge' has lots of experiences and participation and learning for you to explore Hawaii and the South Pacific!

Find the schedule here: PDF


Information Station:
The Aloha starts at the entrance on Rio Salado and Mill Ave! Our friendly volunteers can answer your questions, give directions to the different areas, and more.

image of volunteers at Info Station

Island Marketplaces:
The Marketplaces feature shopping for island and 'island lifestyle' arts, crafts, clothing, home decor, and more!

Find the shopping areas here: Lakeside or Middle and Mountain Marketplace

Overview of shopping

Keiki Activities:
Our free 'Make and Take' crafts and activities are for keiki (kids) of all ages!

Find the fun here: Keiki Activities

Girl making card with Polynesian designs
'Local Grinds' Island Food Courts:
Our three Food Courts entice you with an array of island foods and tastes.

Find the deliciousness here: Local Grinds Food Courts

Picture of 'plate lunch' with pineapple beside it

Location and Maps:
Plan your Festival day with info on where the Tempe Beach Park is, using Light Rail to get there, and where to locate parking in the nearby garages.

Find your way around here: Location and Maps

Map of Tempe with Beach Park marked

'Lost Parents':
Get a free wristband for your child in case you get lost...Write your name and phone number on it so we can find you!

'Lost Parents' is right by Information and Maps, stop by as you enter...

picture of Lost Parents booth

Ohana Village:
Talk to a variety of organizations and don't forget the Outrigger clubs and canoes!

Explore the community here: Ohana Village

Family checking out display for Hawaiian voyaging canoes

Three stages offer a variety of performances featuring music and dance from Hawai'i and the South Pacific.

Find the stages and performance times here:
Lakeside Stage or Mountain Stage

Hula group
Web Problems? Email us!       2025 Arizona Aloha Festivals, Inc      Last Page Update: March 9, 2025 9:25 PM