Aunty Aloha's Ukulele Corner
Learn to play or join the Kanikapila Jam!
About the Ukulele
The ukulele is a versatile, 4-stringed instrument that is easy to learn. Hawaiians quickly adapted the small guitar-like instrument brought by Portugese Madeira islander immigrants and called it 'uku lele' or 'jumping flea' (probably due to rapid finger movements when changing chords.)

The instrument came to the mainland from Hawaii during the Panama Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco, 1915.

It's fun, extremely portable, and incredibly popular in all kinds of modern music.

picture of young father with child and ukulele on lap
Never too young to learn

Ukulele teacher
Our volunteer teachers have fun too!
Learn to play ukulele!

We have teachers and 'loaner' ukuleles for you! It doesn't take long to learn a few chords and how to strum. Soon you will be playing along and saying to yourself: "I'm an ukulele player!"

There's handouts to take home and our friendly volunteers will hook you up with uke groups around town. Hawaiian musicians are some of the most welcoming around for new players. There's even vendors around the Festival where you can purchase a 'beginner' instrument when you realize you can play.

Come join us!

"Kanikapila" (kah nee kah PEE lah) is an impromptu 'jam session' where the song choices and speed of play is directed by the emotion of the gathered players, singers and dancers. All are welcome, from novice to long-time players.

In Hawaii, it's something you find at beach or family gatherings when the meal is over and the instruments all come out.

At Festival, it's a tent full of unexpected delights as you never know who will drop by and join in.

Whether you're an experienced player or a newbie, you're welcome here. We'll even loan you the uke if you forgot yours - or just learned to play!

Join the Kanikapila Jam!

picture of volunteer handing ukes to three small boys
Forgot yours at home? Borrow ours!

picture of group with own or borrowed ukes
Some bring their own instuments

picture of ladies dancing hula in 'regular' clothes
Spontaneous dancing may occur

picture of group with own or borrowed ukes
Everyone can play

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