Volunteers make the Festival happen!

Share our information with others who might like to help!

Know Before You Go!

Volunteer sign-up now closed...
FYI: Volunteer registration usually closes a week before the event (or as positons are filled for each area.)

General Information:

The whole ohana can volunteer! While minimum ages are required in some areas, youth 12 and older are welcome with family members. Volunteers under 18 must also provide a paper application form with parents' signature.

GROUPS: Employee groups, service clubs, and families are welcomed. Contact us early to make sure there are spots available for the whole group. Groups wishing to work together in one location should look at Thursday SetUp, Friday Set Up, Sunday Take Down, Stage Crews, and Keiki Activities positions.

Most of those areas can easily accommodate groups of four to six per shift...larger groups should contact us in advance.

We also will validate service hours for school, employers, or other service organizations. Saturday afternoon and Sunday are high need times and service during these times is particularly appreciated.

SetUp/TakeDown Teams

If you don't care where you are stationed or what you're doing, and just want to be helpful...SetUp/TakeDownTeams are for you.

SetUp/TakeDown volunteers are flexible, have a 'can-do' attitude and enjoy learning about the various areas that work together to put on a major Festival.

You are needed on Thursday (3pm to 7 pm), Friday (various shifts all day) and Sunday from 3 p.m. to about 7 p.m.

SetUp/TakeDown Volunteers work closely with the Chairs of the various areas they may be assigned to during their shift.

Volunteers setting up chairs
One of our Thursday teams
setting up Lakeside Stage
Performances and Stages: Stage Crew
Stage Crew Volunteers assist groups from check-in time through completion of performance and clearing of the dressing room.

You'll help solve performers' backstage problems, assist in clean-up of the stage or dressing room areas, keep water coolers filled, help with crowd control, and generally any backstage help that is needed.

Stage Crew Volunteers work closely with Stage Managers and Assistant Stage Managers.
Stage crew volunteers
Sometimes you can see the show too
Keiki Make’n’take Activities
Volunteers assist keiki (kids) and family members to make simple cultural crafts.  All materials are provided. This is the most appropriate area for prospective volunteers under 18.

You'll set out proper materials, monitor use of supplies, teach or assist where needed, and help keep orderly access for all interested in participation in the free activity.

Keiki Volunteers work closely with the Committee chairperson.

Helping kids and families is fun!
Soda & Water Booth Volunteers
Volunteers assist in stocking and icing tubs of soda, pulling out soda for customers, keeping soda booth clean, and inventorying soda stock.

Small groups that want to work as a team (usually 2 to 4) are ideal. Booths are scattered around the event.

Soda volunteers work with their Booth Captain and Committee Chairperson.

Cold hands don't take away smiles!

Super Sales Force Volunteers
The Super Sales Force helps customers to buy teeshirts and raffle tickets by helping people with a smile and aloha. Some handling of money may be required and Sales Force Volunteers must be willing to be take the responsibility. Sales from raffle tickets and teeshirts help to keep our Festival a free event.

Super Sales Force Volunteers work closely with their Chairperson at the station they are assigned.

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     Last Page Update: March 8, 2025 2:14 PM